About Sweetwater Junior High School
Sweetwater Junior High School--home of the "Jr. Cats"--is located just south of Knoxville in Sweetwater, Tennessee. Sweetwater Junior High serves seventh and eighth graders attending public school in our community.
Our Mission
Sweetwater Junior High is committed to providing effective teaching and guidance, as well as a positive, safe, educational environment in which all students are challenged to be actively involved as they reach their own highest level of success.
Our Vision
The vision of Sweetwater Junior High School ensures that every student at this school will obtain the skills, knowledge, and attitude necessary to achieve his or her next level of learning and will continue to grow to become a responsible, contributing member of society.
Our Staff Believes
All students can learn and must be encouraged to reach their highest level of individual achievement.
This school should provide a safe, nurturing, challenging, and distraction-free environment.
Each student is entitled to dedicated educators who are willing to pursue innovative ideas and teaching methods that accommodate students? different learning styles as we, the educators, continually seek to improve the educational program for all students.
This school should provide the opportunity for all students to grow, learn, and develop physically, socially, and emotionally.
This school should foster an environment of respect where, through example, administrators, faculty, and staff teach students to respect themselves and the rights of others in today's diverse society.
Students must be encouraged to have a positive attitude and a strong work ethic in order to achieve their maximum success.
Careful analysis of student assessment will enhance teacher effectiveness and elevate student success.
The community, the parents, all school personnel, and the students are all critical stakeholders in the success of the school and its students; therefore, all must be involved in decision-making process.